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The Collective Interest Economic Policy Inititative
What Would YOU Propose to Make America's Economy Grow?
Attention armchair economists, presidents, and wonks! Here's your chance to tell us your idea to grow the US economy! The Collective Interest Economic Initiative is a forum where readers can submit can ideas to help stimulate the economy in the following areas:

" General domestic economic policy
" Responsible trade policy to promote export growth, or new opportunities for importing
" De-regulation and privatization
" Small business development
" Tax policy
" Agriculture policy

Please tell us what the positive impact of your idea would be in terms of jobs created, economic growth, dollars saved, etc. (ex"it would generate boatloads of dollars" is not acceptable). And remember to include where its funding would come from.

So put your proposal together and email it to

NEW! 3/24A Temporary 13-week Reduction in Payroll Taxes to Re-ignite the Economy from the Demand SideSebastian James

We have seen the experiment of supply-side economics fail. Business springs into action to meet demand, not supply. Without demand, business has no reason to do more than replace plant and equipment, boost productivity, and increase profitability through primarily cost cutting means.

My proposal is to repeal that portion of the Bush tax cuts that would allow the government to lower payroll taxes by 25% for all workers filing a W-2, W-4, or Form 1099. This cut would be structured...
click to read more or download .pdf

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